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Graphic Report in landscape

Forums Forums SIMPOL Programming Graphic Report in landscape

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  • #3553

    I am working with version 2.06, because when trying to compile my program in version 2.10, I get an error with the clause gr.setwhereclause () in the graphic report, it seems that it is not supported. By what change?
    How can I design a report to print it horizontally?
    First I change the orientation of the page and I get the space necessary to design the report, but when using the Test option of the report designer, I visualize the report vertically, I save it, I leave the designer and when I return to modify the report, I adjust it to letter size vertically. How can i fix this?
    How can I control the orientation of the printing of the report since I currently use the follow lines for report:

    psinfo =@ papersizeinfo()
    papertype = getpapertypefromwindowsid(app.locale.papersize)
    pagewidth = psinfo[papertype, 2]
    pageheight = psinfo[papertype, 3]

    tables =@ appw.gettablesarray()

    gr =@ loadgraphicreport(“rextcos8.sxr”, pagewidth, pageheight, 0xffffff, app.displayformats.defboolean, \
    app.displayformats.definteger, app.displayformats.defnumber, app.displayformats.defdate, \
    app.displayformats.deftime, app.displayformats.defdatetime, app.SBLlocale.datelocale, \
    app.SBLlocale.numlocale, app.datasources, tables, app.ppcs, error=e)


    Ian Macpherson

    hello My name is ian Macpherson i live in France
    regarding your comment about the setwhereclause() error … Mr Robinson knows about it …. you can just ignore the error messages …. your app will compile no problem. I have the same thing happening but it doesn’t stop my quickreports from working.
    i do not use graphic report at all …. i wrote all my invoicing code because graphic report had some bugs when I wanted to use it. all i can suggest is looking at Mr Robinson’s code in the simpol business demo … the function is called sb_invoice() i think & look at his invoice.sxr in Personal. For info Mr Robinson has had some health problems & is not replying to requess as far as i can gather.
    best regards Ian macpherson


    Thanks Ian for your help, I’m going to test the clause setwhereclause () and verify the operation.
    It seems that Neil has passed away (a very sad and regrettable event) so I will be in contact with the people of Superbase to report what will happen now with the product.

    Ian Macpherson

    Pleased to be able to help You’ll find the same thing with qr.setnulliszero() used to display 0.00 if a fiend has a .null value cheers

    Kurt Hansen

    The orientation are part of the printstring you get from the wxprintdialog(.nul, prtstring, ok )
    If you want to be sure if the orientation if rigth, you can manipulate it like this:
    myprintstring = replace( prtstring, “portrait”, “landscape” )

    Sorry to hear that Neil Robinson passed away.

    I use simpol NG 2.06, I newer downloaded NG version 2.10, but I need it now doe to the new grid features. At the moment it seems not possible to download from the web page.

    Plase can anyone send me a .zip copy of Superbase NG 2.10 by mail to my mail acount
    mail ku**@**

    Thanks in advance

    Kurt Hansen

    Ian Macpherson

    Jesus Hi Ian Macpherson in Paris I lost your email address through a Windows Live mail hangup Could you please send it back to me macpher*******@**
    We ( JD Kromkowski, Jean Vallee, Kurt Hansen + others are trying to establish exactly how many of us there are out there using Superbase NG / Simpol plus the old Superbase
    if you know of any others ???
    PS Did David King send you the old Superbase code I sent him for emails ??? If not I can send it directly but DK did say to me that it didn’t work in all cases. I also have code for sending an email with Simpol if you are interested. Best regards Ian Mac

    Ian Macpherson

    Jesus Hi Ian Macpherson in Paris I lost your email address through a Windows Live mail hangup Could you please send it back to me macpher*******@**
    We ( JD Kromkowski, Jean Vallee, Kurt Hansen + others are trying to establish exactly how many of us there are out there using Superbase NG / Simpol plus the old Superbase
    if you know of any others ???
    PS Did David King send you the old Superbase code I sent him for emails ??? If not I can send it directly but DK did say to me that it didn’t work in all cases. I also have code for sending an email with Simpol if you are interested. Best regards Ian Mac

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