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SD and Variance

Forums Forums SIMPOL Programming SD and Variance

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  • #3493
    JD Kromkowski

    I’d like to add standard deviation and variance to report aggregation options. I don’t see the underlying code to the quickreportlib.sml or repguilib.sml

    Here’s sort of generic code I have worked up as start to make sure I have math correct:

    function main()
    array data
    number variance,sd
    string result

    data =@
    data[1] = 1
    data[2] = 2
    data[3] = 3
    data[4] = 4
    data[5] = 5
    data[6] = 6
    data[7] = 7
    data[8] = 8
    data[9] = 9
    data[10] = 10
    result = “total – ” + .tostr(data[“sum”],10) + “{d}{a}”
    result = result + “average – ” + .tostr(data[“average”],10) + “{d}{a}”
    result = result + “variance – ” + .tostr(data[“var”],10) + “{d}{a}”
    result = result + “SD – ” + .tostr(data[“SD”],10)
    end function result

    function calcSD(array data)
    number sum
    integer count, i
    count = data.count()
    i = 1
    sum = 0
    sum = sum + data
    i = i+1
    end while (i > count)
    data[“sum”] = sum
    data[“average”] = sum/count
    data[“var”] = 0
    i= 1
    data[“var”] = data[“var”] + raisetopower((data – data[“average”]),2)
    end while (i > count)
    data[“var”] = data[“var”]/count
    // standard deviation of population correction need to be made for stds (/count – 1)
    data[“SD”] = sqrt(data[“var”],14)
    end function


    Hi John,

    I have added the Variance to the list of aggregates supported by the Quick Report and Graphic Report engines. It will be available in the next release.

    Ciao, Neil

    JD Kromkowski

    Great. Thanks. SD too? Because that is really more useful than Variance. Although, you have to calc variance to get to SD.

    If I’m greedy, which I am, I’d love UCL and LCL (upper control limit and lower control limit) which is Mean +/- 3*SD!



    Hi John,

    Since the SD can be calculated as the sqrt(Variance), I decided at this stage only to add variance. Other options such as those you described, we contemplate for future changes. I will see about adding a wishlist capability to the online system.

    Ciao, Neil

    JD Kromkowski

    Before I write correlation, regression, r^2, etc stuff. These haven’t already been written have they? I am getting tired of exporting to spreadsheets and want to automate to reduce dimensionality in a dataset.

    My niece and nephews think I should learn R for machine learning, but it seems like SBNG could do the stuff.
    Might also be another market for SBNG?

    JD Kromkowski

    I’ve started writing a regression function. I’d like to make it GUI. Is there code already available for a picking fields (like field selection dialog in personal) that I could have? The function I’m writing basically takes fieldA and fieldB and outputs the regression equation and R squared.

    function regression(sbmefield fieldA, smbefield fieldB)

    end function RegressionInfo

    JD Kromkowski

    //Regression John Kromkowski 5/2/2017
    //Beginnings need to add routine for equation/constant, etc.

    function main()
    string s, s1, sfieldnameX,sfieldnameY
    number Rsquared
    sbme1 sbme
    integer e, error, count1, count2
    sbme1table tablename
    sbme1field sbfieldX,sbfieldY
    boolean found
    array b
    b =@

    s = “”
    count1 = 4
    count2 = 0
    e = 0
    error = 0
    sbme =@“C:\SIMPOL\Ethnic\ARHE\cdancestry.sbm”, “O”, error=e)
    if sbme =@= .nul
    s = “Error number ” + .tostr(e, 10) + ” opening the SBME file: ‘cdancestry.sbm'{d}{a}”
    tablename =@ sbme.opentable(“CDANSCESTRY”, error=e)
    if e
    s = “Error number ” + .tostr(e, 10) + ” opening the table{d}{a}”
    // Initialize the found flag to .false
    found = .false
    b =@ getfieldinfoarray(tablename)
    while count1 < 158
    sfieldnameX = b[4]
    sfieldnameY = b[count1]
    sbfieldX =@ getfield(tablename,sfieldnameX)
    sbfieldY =@ getfield(tablename,sfieldnameY)
    Rsquared = regression(sbfieldX, sbfieldY)
    s = sfieldnameX + ” – ” + sfieldnameY + ” R-squared: ”
    s1 = .tostr(Rsquared,10)
    wxmessagedialog(message = s + s1)
    count1 = count1 + 1
    end while
    end if
    end if
    end function s

    function regression(sbme1field sbfieldX, sbme1field sbfieldY)
    array x, y, xy, x2, y2
    x =@
    y =@
    number Pearson, Rsquared, numer, denom
    number sumX,sumY, sumXY, sumX2, sumY2
    integer i, n
    sbme1record r
    i = sbfieldX.table.recordcount()
    n = i
    r =@

    x = .fix(r.get(sbfieldX),1000000)
    y = .fix(r.get(sbfieldY),1000000)
    xy = .fix(r.get(sbfieldX),1000000) * .fix(r.get(sbfieldY),1000000)
    x2 = raisetopower(x,2)
    y2 = raisetopower(y,2)
    while i > 1
    r =@ = .false)
    i = i – 1
    x = .fix(r.get(sbfieldX),1000000)
    y = .fix(r.get(sbfieldY),1000000)
    xy = .fix(r.get(sbfieldX),1000000) * .fix(r.get(sbfieldY),1000000)
    x2 = raisetopower(x,2)
    y2 = raisetopower(y,2)
    end while
    sumX = sumarray(x)
    sumY = sumarray(y)
    sumXY = sumarray(xy)
    sumX2 = sumarray(x2)
    sumY2 = sumarray(y2)
    numer = ((n*sumXY)-(sumX*sumY))
    denom = sqrt(((n*sumX2)-raisetopower(sumX,2))*((n*sumY2)-raisetopower(sumY,2)),14)
    Pearson = .fix(numer/denom,1000000000)
    Rsquared = raisetopower(Pearson,2)
    end function Rsquared

    function sumarray(array data)
    number sum
    integer count, i
    count = data.count()
    i = 1
    sum = 0
    sum = sum + data
    i = i+1
    end while (i > count)
    end function sum

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