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Square Roots Mathlib.sma

Forums Forums SIMPOL Programming Square Roots Mathlib.sma


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  • #3504
    JD Kromkowski

    There is a problem with square roots in mathlib.sma The conversion to string in binary in estimateroot function will give a string too long error

    Try taking square root of 45.053164859997081458307!

    Below is a possible fix. Newton’s method. The first estimate is estimate on integer part of n, using what was already written.

    // n = number for which to find squareroot
    // est = first estimate using what was written already on the integer part of n
    // i = int(n)
    // est = sqrt(i,2)

    number n, est, num, denom, sub, sqroot, fixed
    integer i, precount
    // 45.053164859997081458307
    n = 45053164859997081458307/1000000000000000000000
    i = int(n)
    precount = 0
    est = sqrt(i,2)

    while fixed <> .fix(est,100000000000000)
    fixed = .fix(est,100000000000000)
    num = raisetopower(est,2) – n
    denom = 2*est
    sub = (num/denom)
    sqroot = est – sub
    est = sqroot
    precount = precount + 1
    end while


    Thanks for the report. A new sqrt() implementation is part of the release.

    JD Kromkowski

    I see you went with brute force. Works! Thanks.


    Good, glad to hear it.

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