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Bitmap Image and BitMap Button Bugs

Forums Forums Superbase NG Personal Bitmap Image and BitMap Button Bugs

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  • #38
    Steven Kang

    These may have already been fixed for the upcoming release. Attempting to place a bitmap image on a dataform1 form such as adrbport.sxf or checkin.sxf causes Simpol Personal to crash and quit. This is not the case if the bitmap image is placed on a new (non-dataware) form. However, in this case should the bitmap properties dialog not have the “OK” button disabled until an image is selected to be consistent with the bitmap button properties dialog behaviour? Attempting to *edit* a bitmap button causes Personal to crash and quit. As an aside, it is disappointing that the bitmap button control does not have the option to place a caption next to the image. This is the most useful form of such controls (as found in other RAD tools such as Delphi). Is this a limitation of the wxWidgets control? Seems unlikely, as your “New GUI Controls” webpage shows the “gauge and slider controls” image with the tabbed notebook where “tabs may or may not include a bitmap” i.e. caption plus/minus bitmap. Steven


    On 06/07/2010 20:48, Steven Kang wrote:
    > These may have already been fixed for the upcoming release.
    > Attempting to place a bitmap image on a dataform1 form such as
    > adrbport.sxf or checkin.sxf causes Simpol Personal to crash and
    > quit.
    > This is not the case if the bitmap image is placed on a new
    > (non-dataware) form. However, in this case should the bitmap
    > properties dialog not have the "OK" button disabled until an image is
    > selected to be consistent with the bitmap button properties dialog
    > behaviour?
    > Attempting to *edit* a bitmap button causes Personal to crash and
    > quit.
    > As an aside, it is disappointing that the bitmap button control does
    > not have the option to place a caption next to the image. This is the
    > most useful form of such controls (as found in other RAD tools such
    > as Delphi). Is this a limitation of the wxWidgets control? Seems
    > unlikely, as your "New GUI Controls" webpage shows the "gauge and
    > slider controls" image with the tabbed notebook where "tabs may or
    > may not include a bitmap" i.e. caption plus/minus bitmap.

    Actually, it is just alack of refinement on our part. I also would like
    to see the text associated with the bitmap button, and I don't see it as
    a big thing to add, but it needs to be prioritized adn added at the
    right point.

    Ciao, Neil

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