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Forums Forums SIMPOL Programming SetRowLabelwidth()

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  • #261
    JD Kromkowski

    NR: “As for the row numbers, I am pretty sure you can change them programmatically yourself, just call the setrowlabelwidth() method I think it is.” Ok, I see this method, now. And if you set the width to (1), you can essentially make the label disappear. (setting to 0 causes error) But shouldn’t I really be able to set this while using the Form Designer? And if I just create the form (saved as .sfx) and then use opendataform1(), I really can’t easily be doing this.


    JDK wrote:
    > NR: "As for the row numbers, I am pretty sure you can change them
    > programmatically yourself, just call the setrowlabelwidth() method I
    > think it is."
    > Ok, I see this method, now. And if you set the width to (1), you can
    > essentially make the label disappear. (setting to 0 causes error)
    > But shouldn't I really be able to set this while using the Form
    > Designer?
    > And if I just create the form (saved as .sfx) and then use
    > opendataform1(), I really can't easily be doing this.

    True, but the row area was being reserved for telling the user which
    record they are on, and also for later indicating that a row has
    changed, or is being modified, etc. so I did not intend for people to be
    able to directly modify except programmatically. I can certainly make
    the default width smaller.

    Ciao, Neil

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