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Using SelectKey

Forums Forums SIMPOL Programming Using SelectKey

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  • #298
    JD Kromkowski

    I am having trouble understanding how to use formvar.selectkey(). Consider the following: function DailyDetails() integer iErrnum; iErrnum = 0 wxwindow w2 w2 =@,100,400,600,captiontext=”Details”,error=iErrnum) string filename filename = “C:SIMPOLFormsDetails.sxf” integer error; error = 0 string errtext; errtext = “” dataform1 f2 f2 =@ opendataform1(filename, error=error, errortext=errtext) f2.setcontainer(w1) //f2.selectfirst() // instead I’d like to use f2.selectkey in Superbase, we could do this: OPEN FORM “C:PROGRA~1SBCLASDESAMPLESCLASSICBUGBASEEMPLOYEE.SBV” SET INDEX “Lastname” INDEX Lastname SELECT FORM KEY “Holden” SELECT FORM CURRENT FORM So let’s say that just like this Superbase example, my “Details.sfx” form uses a table called “employee”. It has a number of indexes. The first index which will be the default one used in Simpol is “SSN”. But I want to use an index called “Fullname”. (In the SB example, the first index is “EmployeeNumber” which is why I change it to “Lastname”) anyvalue value; value = “Holden” boolean lock; lock = .true boolean found; found = .true integer thisError; thisError = 0 // here is where I am not sure how to // “Set” the index to Fullname or // otherwise declare and pass the index “Fullname” // in fooling around I tried this which will work // but only because I knew to go to the next // index after the current one f2.selectkey(value,,lock,found,thisError) // surely there must be a better way f2.selectcurrent() wxprocess(1000000) end function f2 By the way, the debugger really doesn’t work correctly. I can’t seem to look at variables in function outside of main.


    JDK wrote:
    > I am having trouble understanding how to use formvar.selectkey().
    > Consider the following:
    > function DailyDetails()
    > integer iErrnum; iErrnum = 0
    > wxwindow w2
    > w2 =@,100,400,600,captiontext="Details",error=iErrnum)
    > string filename
    > filename = "C:SIMPOLFormsDetails.sxf"
    > integer error; error = 0
    > string errtext; errtext = ""
    > dataform1 f2
    > f2 =@ opendataform1(filename, error=error, errortext=errtext)
    > f2.setcontainer(w1)
    > //f2.selectfirst()
    > // instead I'd like to use f2.selectkey


    > in Superbase, we could do this:
    > SET INDEX "Lastname"
    > INDEX Lastname
    > SELECT FORM KEY "Holden"
    > So let's say that just like this Superbase example, my "Details.sfx" form
    > uses a table called "employee". It has a number of indexes. The first
    > index which will be the default one used in Simpol is "SSN".
    > But I want to use an index called "Fullname".
    > (In the SB example, the first index is "EmployeeNumber" which is why
    > I change it to "Lastname")
    > anyvalue value; value = "Holden"
    > boolean lock; lock = .true
    > boolean found; found = .true
    > integer thisError; thisError = 0
    > // here is where I am not sure how to // "Set" the index to Fullname or
    > // otherwise declare and pass the index "Fullname"
    > // in fooling around I tried this which will work
    > // but only because I knew to go to the next
    > // index after the current one
    > f2.selectkey(value,,lock,found,thisError) // surely there must be a better way
    > f2.selectcurrent()
    > wxprocess(1000000)
    > end function f2

    There is:


    Also, it is probably a bad idea to lock the record unless you intend to
    change it. Especially since you are passing a found parameter, which
    means that you will get a record object back even if it doesn't match,
    and even if it is wrong, you will still be locking it.

    > By the way, the debugger really doesn't work correctly. I can't seem
    > to look at variables in function outside of main.

    If you mean the Watch window, that has been seen at times, but we
    thought we had fixed most of the cases. Normally you should still be
    able to hover your mouse over a variable in the code to see its value.
    Also, if you place the cursor in the variable and press Shift+F9, it
    should pop up the Watch window where you can do fairly extensive
    analysis of the variables.

    Ciao, Neil

    JD Kromkowski

    Figuring out the value of a field on the current record has always
    been pretty straightforward in SB

    REQUEST YourField
    REQUEST YourField.YourFile

    So how do I do it in SIMPOL

    function Details(type(*) me, dataform1 f)
    // f is the current form and obviously works
    // with various select statements
    // e.g. f.selectfirst(error=e)

    if me.type == wxmenuitem
    string test
    test = "TESTING TESTING"
    wxmessagedialog(message =,captiontext = test)

    //Here I want to determine the value of a
    //field FULLNAME on the current record and
    //then pass it as string to variable test
    //for sake of ease this field is a string so
    //I don't need to manipulate/transform it
    //with .tostr()
    //I thought something like this

    test = f.mastertable.record!FULLNAME

    //I've tried other variation using f.masterrecord.etc
    //without success

    test = f.whatdoIuse!FULLNAME

    // this is check to see if I've done it correctly
    wxmessagedialog(message =,captiontext = test)

    end function


    JDK wrote:
    > Figuring out the value of a field on the current record has always
    > been pretty straightforward in SB
    > REQUEST YourField or REQUEST YourField.YourFile
    > So how do I do it in SIMPOL
    > function Details(type(*) me, dataform1 f) // f is the current form
    > and obviously works // with various select statements // e.g.
    > f.selectfirst(error=e)
    > if me.type == wxmenuitem string test test = "TESTING TESTING"
    > wxmessagedialog(message =,captiontext = test)
    > //Here I want to determine the value of a //field FULLNAME on the
    > current record and //then pass it as string to variable test //for
    > sake of ease this field is a string so //I don't need to
    > manipulate/transform it //with .tostr() //I thought something like
    > this
    > test = f.mastertable.record!FULLNAME
    > //I've tried other variation using f.masterrecord.etc //without
    > success
    > test = f.whatdoIuse!FULLNAME
    > // this is check to see if I've done it correctly
    > wxmessagedialog(message =,captiontext = test)
    > //ETC. end function

    The easy way would be to add db1util to your project, and then use

    Ciao, Neil

    JD Kromkowski

    JDK >> test = f.whatdoIuse!FULLNAME
    >> // this is check to see if I've done it correctly
    >> wxmessagedialog(message =,captiontext = test)
    >> //ETC. end function

    NR> The easy way would be to add db1util to your project, and then use
    > fieldval2string().

    Well, yes I saw this function as part of formlib and had intended to
    eventually use it. But I am still going to need to be able to
    determine/get/establish the current record.

    I want to do this in terms of the dataform1 f.
    But something like this doesn't work.

    r =@ f.selectcurrent()

    I suppose what I really need to do is Tablevar.selectcurrent()

    test = r!FULLNAME

    JD Kromkowski

    OK. Here is a better example of what I was trying to do, and my path of

    function main()
    integer error; error = 0
    string filename; filename = "C:SIMPOLFormsMyForm.sxf"
    string errtext; errtext = ""

    dataform1 f
    f =@ opendataform1(filename, error=error, errortext=errtext)

    // select a record here
    // f.selectlast()
    sbme1table table
    sbme1record r
    sbme1field field
    table =@ f.mastertable.table
    r =@
    field =@ table!TheField
    string test
    test = r.get(field)
    end function test

    I thought this sort of worked, until I realized that this is not giving me
    the current record (i.e. the "current" record in terms of what the form is

    It seems to only be giving me the field value I am after for the first

    So, if at // select a record here//, I have

    test still give me TheField value for the first record.

    Why is that? I am guessed it has something to do with the line

    r =@

    In other words, I am setting r to "point" at the first record even though
    the f is "pointing" to the last record by virtue of f.selectlast().

    Then, I asked myself what is that masterrecord thing all about? So my new
    working example is as follows:

    function main()
    integer error; error = 0
    string filename; filename = "C:SIMPOLFormspayroll1c.sxf"
    string errtext; errtext = ""
    dataform1 f
    f =@ opendataform1(filename, error=error, errortext=errtext)

    // etc.
    sbme1table table
    sbme1record r
    sbme1field field
    table =@ f.mastertable.table
    r =@ f.masterrecord.record
    field =@ table!TheField
    string test
    test = r.get(field)
    end function test

    So having figured this all out (which works), it is now clear, all I
    actually needed to do is this.

    string test
    test = f.masterrecord.record.get(f.mastertable.table!TheField)

    Of course, this example presumes that TheField is a string.

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