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Where is the source for the function selrec?

Forums Forums SIMPOL Programming Where is the source for the function selrec?

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  • #3375
    Dan Jinks

    In my toolbar.sma (old project, circa 2011) I actually have source for the function selrec.
    I have problems with the selectkey operation. So I looked at the sample address book project to see how it used the selrec function. I found only 8 references to selrec, all where it is assigned to on_click events. The source code does not seem to exist within the project. I then went to the programers language reference chm file and searched, but it was not found. So my questions are:
    1. Where is the source for the selrec function in the address book project?
    2. How should I have proceeded to successfully search for it?

    Dan Jinks

    After re-reading the ide and debugger help files, I had a thought that i might need to re-import the sma files from other projects. I was right! Now I can see that the selrec function is in appfremework. Previously, my project only contained the sma files from my 2012 import.


    Hi Dan,

    That is correct. In the 1.8 release we moved those from the sample code into the appframework, since there was no reason to make everyone have their own copy/version of them.

    Ciao, Neil

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