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JD Kromkowski

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  • in reply to: SBAIR example #1383
    JD Kromkowski

    Moving on (with my work around to build)

    An error is through because the form (I think) can't locate the .png logo
    in drive "X:etc, etc" which is probably the name of your drive where the
    png logo was located.

    Presumably that .png should have been included in this directory:


    and "checkin.sfx" would need to be modified to point to the correct
    location of the .png

    Am I on the correct path?


    in reply to: SBAIR example #1506
    JD Kromkowski

    Upon further investigation, I see that the "errors.sma" is only located in
    the SIMPOLinclude directory.

    I did "save as" and put in in the same dir as the other .sma, but then
    building results in this error.

    Cannot open file 'uisyshelphdr.sma'

    Same issue. Same fix on my part.

    So what this suggests is that somehow the "include" setting in SETTINGS
    is not working correctly because I can see that the "SIMPOLinclude"
    directory is listed under "included".

    Any further thoughts?

    in reply to: Toolbar #1758
    JD Kromkowski

    Well, we'll see about the stuffing it in a function thing when we see it
    but in the interim

    the wxform f (which I presume holds the combo boxes for the current table
    and current index is created here:

    f =@ combos(colors)

    but that code:

    function combos(colors)
    end function

    wasn't posted. Please advise.


    in reply to: Date Handling Bug in Personal #1561
    JD Kromkowski

    I think the bug is actually worse. Don't have time to document fully, but
    if you change the display format to 24 hour (i.e. uncheck am/pm) (and you
    can make it apply – there is a different bug here noted below) and then
    enter a time in pm format using "pm" (e.g. "12:42 pm") the whole thing
    shuts down.

    When trying to modify table and changing display format, you won't always
    get OK or DISPLAY buttons (they remain disabled) until you change the
    field to indexed (and back to not indexed if you don't actually want the
    field to be indexed but just want to change the display format.)

    in reply to: Date Handling Bug in Personal #1757
    JD Kromkowski

    It actually changes "pm" to "am"

    So if you type "12:15 pm" it will change it to "12:15 am".

    In fact if you type in "12:nn pm" for nn equal 00 to 59 it will change it
    to "12:nn am"

    in reply to: Toolbar #1755
    JD Kromkowski

    Whoops. Question follows but first Comment and 2 Suggestions.

    There just seems to be so much overhead to do something so simple.

    in main function()
    wxtoolbar tb
    tb =@ CreateToolBar()

    Suggestion 1
    //toolbars handled like opendataform() which I guess would be in a library
    called something like ToolBarLib

    function CreateToolBar()
    wxtoolbar tb
    string filename
    filename = "C/Simpol/IconBars/this_is_an_sxf"
    integer error; error = 0
    string errtext; errtext =""
    tb =@ opentoolbar(filename, error=error, errortext=errtext)
    end function tb

    Suggestion 2

    function CreateToolBar()
    integer e; e=0
    boolean standard; standard = .true
    wxtoolbar tb
    // add a boolean parameter called standard
    // if standard == .true, which it is by default then the standard
    // is created
    // if standard == .false, then a blank ToolBar is created and

    tb =@,16,error = e, standard = standard)

    if you want to have a customize toolbar then you'd do this
    tb =@,16,error = e, standard = .false)

    and proceed to use tb.insert() to create your own, e.g.

    bmp =@"16x16_selfirst.png", "png")
    disbmp =@"16x16_selfirst_disabled.png", "png")
    tb.insert(bmp, disbmp, enabled=.false, tooltip="Select first
    record", name="tSelFirst")
    tb!tSelFirst.onclick.function =@ selrec

    now to the QUESTION

    > function buildiconbar(syscolors colors)
    > wxbitmap bmp, disbmp
    > integer e
    > wxtoolbar tb
    > wxform f

    I don't see where f is created?

    It obviously must be happening in the combos function?

    f =@ combos(colors)

    but that code isn't here. Please advise.

    And as to what creates the "colors", something like?

    function Colors()
    integer e
    syscolors colors
    sysrgb clrWindow
    sysrgb clrWindowText
    sysrgb clrBtnFace
    sysrgb clrBtnText

    colors =@
    clrWindow =@ colors.getsyscolor(COLOR_WINDOW)
    clrWindowText =@ colors.getsyscolor(COLOR_WINDOWTEXT)
    clrBtnFace =@ colors.getsyscolor(COLOR_BTNFACE)
    clrBtnText =@ colors.getsyscolor(COLOR_BTNTEXT)
    end function colors

    And then do I also have to have a sma for the Constants, like

    // Windows System Colors

    constant COLOR_SCROLLBAR 0
    constant COLOR_BACKGROUND 1
    constant COLOR_MENU 4
    constant COLOR_WINDOW 5
    constant COLOR_WINDOWFRAME 6
    constant COLOR_MENUTEXT 7
    constant COLOR_WINDOWTEXT 8
    constant COLOR_CAPTIONTEXT 9
    constant COLOR_ACTIVEBORDER 10
    constant COLOR_APPWORKSPACE 12
    constant COLOR_HIGHLIGHT 13
    constant COLOR_BTNFACE 15
    constant COLOR_BTNSHADOW 16
    constant COLOR_GRAYTEXT 17
    constant COLOR_BTNTEXT 18
    constant COLOR_BTNHIGHLIGHT 20

    // #if(WINVER >= 0x0400)
    constant COLOR_3DDKSHADOW 21
    constant COLOR_3DLIGHT 22
    constant COLOR_INFOTEXT 23
    constant COLOR_INFOBK 24

    // #if(WINVER >= 0x0500)
    constant COLOR_HOTLIGHT 26

    // #if(WINVER >= 0x0510)
    constant COLOR_MENUHILIGHT 29
    constant COLOR_MENUBAR 30
    constant COLOR_LAST 30
    constant COLOR_DESKTOP 1
    constant COLOR_3DFACE 15
    constant COLOR_3DSHADOW 16
    constant COLOR_3DHIGHLIGHT 20
    constant COLOR_3DHILIGHT 20
    constant COLOR_BTNHILIGHT 20

    in reply to: Toolbar #1754
    JD Kromkowski


    in reply to: Toolbar #1753
    JD Kromkowski

    1. Thanks alot.

    2. By the way, there is a bug in the Personal Form Builder.
    A. Create a button with a bitmap on it.
    B. But then double click it in an effort to change its properties (like
    the associated functions). The whole thing shuts down.

    So now the only way to make a change in Form Builder is to delete the
    thing and start all over.

    3. In addition, I think that this is less a bug than something that hasn't
    been completed. Or I don't know where to look. Or I think there is
    something automatically happening and I want to make sure my assumption is

    If you create a button with or without a bitmap, you can specify, e.g., a
    function to associate with on click

    But you can't really specify a reference.


    fc.onclick.function =@ Details
    fc.onclick.reference =@ f

    What I've come to understand by looking at the code generated by save as
    dataform, is that a reference to "the form" in this case f is made

    I am correctly understanding this? But I there isn't any possibility to
    make the reference to anything else. Not that I have such a desire, but I
    suppose that somebody might want to have the reference not be to the form
    but to an application type.


    in reply to: Using SelectKey #1594
    JD Kromkowski

    OK. Here is a better example of what I was trying to do, and my path of

    function main()
    integer error; error = 0
    string filename; filename = "C:SIMPOLFormsMyForm.sxf"
    string errtext; errtext = ""

    dataform1 f
    f =@ opendataform1(filename, error=error, errortext=errtext)

    // select a record here
    // f.selectlast()
    sbme1table table
    sbme1record r
    sbme1field field
    table =@ f.mastertable.table
    r =@
    field =@ table!TheField
    string test
    test = r.get(field)
    end function test

    I thought this sort of worked, until I realized that this is not giving me
    the current record (i.e. the "current" record in terms of what the form is

    It seems to only be giving me the field value I am after for the first

    So, if at // select a record here//, I have

    test still give me TheField value for the first record.

    Why is that? I am guessed it has something to do with the line

    r =@

    In other words, I am setting r to "point" at the first record even though
    the f is "pointing" to the last record by virtue of f.selectlast().

    Then, I asked myself what is that masterrecord thing all about? So my new
    working example is as follows:

    function main()
    integer error; error = 0
    string filename; filename = "C:SIMPOLFormspayroll1c.sxf"
    string errtext; errtext = ""
    dataform1 f
    f =@ opendataform1(filename, error=error, errortext=errtext)

    // etc.
    sbme1table table
    sbme1record r
    sbme1field field
    table =@ f.mastertable.table
    r =@ f.masterrecord.record
    field =@ table!TheField
    string test
    test = r.get(field)
    end function test

    So having figured this all out (which works), it is now clear, all I
    actually needed to do is this.

    string test
    test = f.masterrecord.record.get(f.mastertable.table!TheField)

    Of course, this example presumes that TheField is a string.

    in reply to: Using SelectKey #1752
    JD Kromkowski

    JDK >> test = f.whatdoIuse!FULLNAME
    >> // this is check to see if I've done it correctly
    >> wxmessagedialog(message =,captiontext = test)
    >> //ETC. end function

    NR> The easy way would be to add db1util to your project, and then use
    > fieldval2string().

    Well, yes I saw this function as part of formlib and had intended to
    eventually use it. But I am still going to need to be able to
    determine/get/establish the current record.

    I want to do this in terms of the dataform1 f.
    But something like this doesn't work.

    r =@ f.selectcurrent()

    I suppose what I really need to do is Tablevar.selectcurrent()

    test = r!FULLNAME

    in reply to: Using SelectKey #1751
    JD Kromkowski

    Figuring out the value of a field on the current record has always
    been pretty straightforward in SB

    REQUEST YourField
    REQUEST YourField.YourFile

    So how do I do it in SIMPOL

    function Details(type(*) me, dataform1 f)
    // f is the current form and obviously works
    // with various select statements
    // e.g. f.selectfirst(error=e)

    if me.type == wxmenuitem
    string test
    test = "TESTING TESTING"
    wxmessagedialog(message =,captiontext = test)

    //Here I want to determine the value of a
    //field FULLNAME on the current record and
    //then pass it as string to variable test
    //for sake of ease this field is a string so
    //I don't need to manipulate/transform it
    //with .tostr()
    //I thought something like this

    test = f.mastertable.record!FULLNAME

    //I've tried other variation using f.masterrecord.etc
    //without success

    test = f.whatdoIuse!FULLNAME

    // this is check to see if I've done it correctly
    wxmessagedialog(message =,captiontext = test)

    end function

    in reply to: Error 3, two windows with forms using same database? #1750
    JD Kromkowski

    I am using the web based thing in the Forum rather than thunderbird and I
    see weird line breaks (two lines get put into one).

    in reply to: Error 3, two windows with forms using same database? #1747
    JD Kromkowski

    Unfortunately, I am a dingbat unable to follow the instructions in the
    readme.txt. I followed directions I think and then tried to open


    as ppcs type in "Personal" as a test. Error 48 getting tables.

    As to "just switching the types from sbme1table to type(db1table) and then
    the code will work for both sbme1table and ppcstype1file."

    I really don't know what that means in the context of what I am doing.

    At this stage of the game I am not doing anything. I am just opening up

    dataform1 f
    string filename
    filename = "C:SIMPOLFormsmyform.sxf"
    string errtext; errtext = ""
    f =@ opendataform1(filename,error=error,errortext=errtext)


    > JDK wrote:
    >> ok back to drawing board. is there a conversion app(in simpol or
    >> elsewhere) that converts sbme table to ppcs table?

    Neil Robinson wrote:
    > It's the same file. Just use the simpolserver.smp in
    > (Utilitiessimpolserver). All you need is a config file (a sample is
    > there to work from. See the readme.txt for details. Then just use the
    > ppcstype1 objects. For most things not related to table creation and
    > management, you can just switch the types from sbme1table to
    > type(db1table) and then the code will work for both sbme1table and
    > ppcstype1file.
    > Ciao, Neil

    in reply to: Error 3, two windows with forms using same database? #1621
    JD Kromkowski

    By the way what is the deal with formating in this forum.

    I seem to be losing my "line integrity".

    in reply to: Error 3, two windows with forms using same database? #1749
    JD Kromkowski

    As to the second part of your post:

    Here is what I did:

    dataform1 f
    string filename
    filename = "C:SIMPOLFormsmyform.sxf"
    string errtext; errtext = ""
    f =@ opendataform1(filename,error=error,errortext=errtext)

    What you want me to do is

    A. open the datasource(s) and table(s) AND then
    B. pass in opendatform1(all of that other stuff like datasource and

    I will acknowledge that in SB2 I do first open the databases(tables) I'll
    be using and then open the form.

    But I sort of feel like WHY? Once I've created a form in Personal and
    saved it as an .sxf shouldn't all of that stuff be accessible through f
    which is created via opendataform1.

    Wouldn't it be logical that

    form object f must already contain references to the datasource and the
    mastertable otherwise I would be able to open the doggone thing up and see
    the correct data.

    Why do I need to pass it when I am already passing it through the .sfx

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